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Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha 2 (Mapa)
Typ školy: MBA
IČ: 25676598
Telefon: 224 221 261
Web: www.unyp.cz
E-mail: admissions@unyp.cz
The UNYP MBA is an IACBE-accredited program, offering the prestige of an American accreditation, the challenges, and rigor of a top business program, and the opportunity for current and future leaders to hone their management skills. The program has been designed for ambitious people who wish to quickly move up through the ranks of their corporation by attaining the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to be the best possible executive managers. We also help business people who wish to change industries by filling the gaps in their knowledge and giving them the tools they need to excel in their new field. Finally, professionals who wish to start their own businesses and pull ahead of their competition are taught how to research and create business plans, find capital, and actually launch their new company.
Typ studia:
Rektor: Ing. Andreas Antonopoulos, M.Eng., MBA, Ph.D.
Přesná data přihlášek, přijímaček a dnů otevřených dveří a obsah přijímacích zkoušek najdete u příslušných programů/oborů. |
Poznámka ke školnému/poplatkům za studium: Informace na https://www.unyp.cz/admissions/scholarships-and-financial-aid
Koleje: Informace na https://www.unyp.cz/student-services/accommodation
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha 2 (Mapa)
Typ školy: MBA
IČ: 25676598
Telefon: 224 221 261
Web: www.unyp.cz
E-mail: admissions@unyp.cz
Zobrazení detailu: 12 780, vyhledáno: 772 391
Zobrazení detailu letos: 1, vyhledáno: 952
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