Computer Science (P0613D140018)

Studijní program: Computer Science (P0613D140018)

Typ studia: Doktorské

Forma studia: Prezenční, Kombinované

Délka studia: 4

Zaměření: IT

Náplň programu/oboru:
Computer Science (Informatika - in Czech) is generally focused on diverse topics of contemporary computer science and information technology. This includes the research of fundamental theoretical principles on which computer science and information technologies are based (see the Fundamentals of computer science specialization), as well as research and acquisition of new knowledge aimed at the specific use of computer science in other disciplines and the real world (see the Computing Technology and Methodology specialization). The doctoral programme may also include applied research in collaboration with other academic institutions or Faculty's industrial partners if this research brings new (and dissertable) findings in the computer science as a scientific field. The aim of the programme is to educate graduates who have a broad overview in their area of computer science, are capable of independent creative work, analysis of complex problems and realization of original solutions. Last but not least, graduates will have an excellent ability to communicate in the English language in which they conduct their research. In order to better accommodate the broad range of research topics in computer science, from pure theory to applied ones, we offer two specializations: Fundamentals of Computer Science (Fundamenty informatiky - in Czech) This specialization is oriented primarily on basic (fundamental) research, i.e. on theoretical or experimental work aimed at acquiring new knowledge of fundamental nature. This work may be associated with experimental verification of the relevance and practical benefits of the acquired knowledge. Typical outcomes of basic research in computer science are articles published in peer-reviewed conference proceedings and journals, and/or experimental implementations that demonstrate the benefits of newly acquired knowledge. The evaluation of the study progress emphasizes above all the quality of the acquired knowledge, and the number and the quality of the follow-up publications. Computing Technology and Methodology (Technologie a metodologie počítačových systémů - in Czech) This specialization focuses mainly on applied (targeted) research and development of innovative computing tools and techniques. This means experimental or theoretical work, whose integral part is the acquisition of new knowledge related to concrete and mostly predetermined usage goals, which may be formulated in collaboration with researchers from other scientific disciplines or with the industrial partners of the Faculty of Informatics. Typical outputs of targeted research in computer science are fully functional software works or original methodological approaches to system design, based on original and published ideas and principles. The evaluation of the study progress emphasizes the practical applicability, the originality and the new scientific contribution of the achieved solutions, besides the number of the follow-up publications.

Cizí jazyk: Angličtina

Akreditace: ANO

Platnost akreditace do: 20.5.2029

Přijímací řízeníNahoru

Dny otevřených dveří: 24.1.2025

Den otevřených dveří, poznámka: 19. 10., 22. 11. 2024, 24. 1. 2025

Obsah přijímaček:
Informace o navazujícím magisterském, doktorském studiu a cizojazyčném studiu naleznete na stránkách fakulty

Pozn. k přijímačkám: Bc. TSP více termínů prosinec 2024 - duben 2025. Informace o navazujícím magisterském, doktorském studiu a cizojazyčném studiu naleznete na stránkách fakulty

Pozn. k přihláškám: Bc. do 28. 2. 2025. Informace o navazujícím magisterském, doktorském studiu a cizojazyčném studiu naleznete na stránkách fakulty. Průvodce přijímacím řízením:

Elektronická přihláška E-book jak se dostat na VŠ

Kontakty FakultyNahoru

Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta informatiky
Telefon: 549 491 818


Poznámka ke školnému/poplatkům za studium: Poplatek za studium se neplatí, další poplatky spojené se studiem:

