Educational and School Psychology (P0313D230010)

Vysoká škola>Univerzita Karlova>Pedagogická fakulta>Educational and School Psychology

Studijní program: Educational and School Psychology (P0313D230010)

Typ studia: Doktorské

Forma studia: Prezenční, Kombinované

Délka studia: 4

Zaměření: pedagogika , psychologie

Náplň programu/oboru:
Doctoral study is designed as a preparation of researchers in the field of educational and school psychology, who will participate in the development of psychological theory and research through independent creative activities. Doctoral study will deepen the knowledge in the field with the application of Czech and foreign knowledge and research results, will further extend the methodological and research skills and competences of doctoral students, as well as presentation skills, with an emphasis on educational and school psychology, other psychological disciplines and social sciences. The focus of the doctoral study is the dissertation, which has the character of the original scientific work. Through the dissertation thesis of the empirical-theoretical or theoretical research, the doctoral student gains new knowledge on the studied topic and thus enriches its scientific description and conceptualization. The dissertation is involved in the development of the field in the national and international context. The aim of the study is to prepare researchers who, in the case of further academic career at the university, gets involved in pedagogic, scientific and research activities in educational and school psychology, possibly also in related psychological disciplines and other social sciences; in case of practical psychological activity the workers will theorize the given field and encompass it into a broader professional context.

Cizí jazyk: Angličtina

Akreditace: ANO

Platnost akreditace do: 23.9.2029

Přijímací řízeníNahoru

Dny otevřených dveří: 17.12.2024, 28.1.2025

Den otevřených dveří, poznámka: 17. 12. 2024, 28. 1. 2025

Obsah přijímaček:
Informace o navazujícím magisterském, doktorském a cizojazyčném studiu naleznete na stránkách fakulty.

Pozn. k přijímačkám: Bc. a Mgr. 2. - 20. 6. 2025. Informace o navazujícím magisterském, doktorském a cizojazyčném studiu naleznete na stránkách fakulty.

Pozn. k přihláškám: Bc. a Mgr. 28. 2. 2025, informace o navazujícím magisterském a doktorském studiu naleznete na stránkách fakulty.

Elektronická přihláška E-book jak se dostat na VŠ

Kontakty FakultyNahoru

Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta
Telefon: 221 900 261


Poznámka ke školnému/poplatkům za studium: poplatek za překročení standardní doby studia zvýšené o 1 rok 24 000 Kč, podrobnosti

